
Baby carriers, wraps and slings

Carrying your child has advantages for both you and your baby. After 9 months in mum’s tummy, it is natural and reassuring for baby to be carried. The body warmth and movement will help baby with colic and digestion, while he can actively participate in family life. At Berceau d’Or we have reknown brands such as BabyBjörn or Nuna to choose from.

Baby Carriers
There are several types of baby carrier, some start from birth (from 3kg) and are very supple and easy to use for the parents. With a seat and harness they are quick to put on, and baby is comfortably installed on your chest. You can use these for up to around a year or so.
Others have more support and can be used from 3.5kg to 3 years. They correspond to the physiological criteria of newborns; baby will be ‘squatting’ with legs in an “M” position, knees higher than the hips. The seat will then be adapted to the age and size of the baby as he gets bigger.

Carrying Scarf
To choose your scarf, the size of the wearer and the type of fabric will both come into consideration.
Stretch material is going to be comfortable for a small baby, he can be carried in several positions and different knots can be tied. When carrying a heavier older child, the stretch fabric would be less practical.
Non-stretch fabric is comfortable and maniable for any weight of baby, giving more support, and there are several ways of tying knots aswell. Some brands, for example Amazonas, have replaced the knotting with an easy buckle on their fabric sling.

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